Hey guys! Thank you so much for creating accountability. Make sure you sign in on a weekly basis to update leadership on how you spent your hours this week. Tap student login and then select your personalized page and fill in all necessary fields and forms. Thank so much, and remember, we are the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior. Be a light unto this world.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 5:45pm
Meet at the Unite Center to help organize the Picture we’ll be taking of our Church family. Pastor Jeff will be speaking about the direction of the Church and how we all play a major part.
APRIL 24, 2019 6:00pm
Here’s what I took from the meeting, April 24…
Everything starts with Ownership. Owning the responsibility of being a Christ Follower. This is what wakes me up in the morning super pumped about my day!! The fact that God would use me to shine the light of Jesus… Blows my mind when I try to wrap my head around this truth. Discipleship, being the light, walking with Christ should not feel like a job. We should have an overwhelming feeling of Love & Appreciation, so all I’m asking you to do at Refuge is to strategically walk out this Responsibility.
#1. We have to have a plan/foundation. How do we have sustainability? Answer.. C-Groups (Relationships)!! We have to embrace the 8 principles & recruit (selection) people who want to receive the love and time you're putting into them. I promise they will appreciate it if you are doing it right… Radical Love & Radical time.. At which, you begin to get them involved with the Mission of Refuge (mobilization). We are training others how to be like us (when I say “us", I mean teaching people how to radically Love others) because we are passionately trying to be like Jesus. Which leads us to Approach…
#2. Approach… Be yourselves!! Remember how Jeff was saying he has purpose when he surfs? He’s out catching waves, and he's having FUN, but... he’s there to strike up conversations with the people who have the same interests which happens to be Surfing. Leverage your hobbies and your interests for Jesus!! That can be your pond to fish from!! Also… Be inviting, be compassionate, be loving to the students on campus. Yes, they may be shy to Bible Study, doesn’t mean you can’t ask them out to coffee or dinner. Doesn’t mean you can’t ask them to shoot hoops. Doesn’t mean you can’t ask them to go to the beach. This builds Trust which then gives you the opportunity to share your heart and your vision.
So now we have a plan and we’re being approachable… Plan again.. Lead these students into healthy relationships. Encourage them, teach them about purpose (to love and lead others in love), mobilize them (encourage them to grab someone else), remain approachable…
#3. Student Leadership within the Team… Be creative and also remember the Goal!! We want people to come to events, but we want others to take ownership of the Mission!! What are we leading these students to when they come to these events?? Healthy Relationships!! We now have others in position to help with events, but we can also have them in position to take responsibility for the other students who are interested in C-Groups or friendship. Meaning the Team (you guys) is holding the ones under you responsible for checking on and walking with the new students. Does this make sense?
* Some of you mentioned… You don’t need me to do this. Take Ownership of your responsibilities as leaders, and take ownership of the Mission.
#4. Passion Bucket has to be filled!!… We have to fill our Passion Buckets!! This comes from our relationships with one another. You have to make time for one another. You have to support each other. You have to look for ways to have fun and share experiences. You have to be present with one another when you’re together. Take advantage of all the time you have with your Team. Protect each other. Love each other well.
And the most important thing of all… You have to have communion with God!!! Prayer, time in the Word, Worship, fellowship with believers… It’s a MUST!!! We all fall when we lose our connection, so stay connect to the source of Power, Love & Sound Mind (GOD).
Moving forward… Let’s get our Calendar together for next year, so we’re all on the same page & we’re not overloading ourselves. We will also stay in communication throughout the summer. Let’s all agree to continue checking GroupME for messages. I will drop information and let you guys know if I post things to the Website.
Blessings to you ALL!!!
March 27, 2019 6:00pm
Leaving Your Legacy
“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.” Maya Angelou
How have we left our Legacy this year on the Topics we’ve learned these past two semesters??
Take time to reflect on the teachings from Eileen. Have we applied what we’ve heard? Do we understand how to apply these things in our lives?
· Self Profile Assessment
· Goal Setting & Time Management
· Workplace Etiquette
· Grit by Angela Ducksworth
· Personal Accountability
· Communication Skills
Leaving our Legacy through principles of The Master Plan of Evangelism
Selection- I just want to make it clear… We have never communicated that the people we select have to have it all together. We have always said these people need to be people who are committed and who are coachable (teachable). Look at Matthew (a tax collector) & Peter (fisherman with a bad temper). Jesus selected those guys because He saw their desire to learn and to lead. That’s all we’re trying to discern. We understand that we are leaders, and we have a responsibility to lead others well. When we understand this responsibility, we need to pray and search for people who are committed people and who can be coached. This doesn’t mean we can’t minister to other people (we still minister); it means, we identify a person, and we take on the responsibility of leading that person through the principles (C-Group). Our goal is to replicate!! We can’t expect to replicate if the people we’re spending time and energy on aren’t in a place in their lives to commit or be coached!
I minister to A LOT of people, but I am responsible for 3 people right now in my life. I meet with them regularly, we pray, I teach and demonstrate things for them, they understand why I’m doing it, they understand I expect them to do it for other people also!!! Doesn’t mean I don’t pray and help others; just means that there is more time and energy (Association) going into these other 3 because they are committed, they’re coachable, and they understand what we are trying to accomplish.
Note: I have spent time with some of you in C-Groups and have asked all (guys) of you if you wanted my help!
Association- We have to live life with people!! We have to be in people’s lives for us to make an impact!! Everyone gets so caught up in Events. I love Events, but I would rather us Love & Lead others well than to have an Event that a handful of people attend. The focus should be on the people your trying to lead!!! Doesn’t mean we don’t do stuff on campus for people, it means our focus is to get the people in our circles involved and position them (Delegate) to lead others. If your living life with these people and they understand the mission, they should want to be involved. The more involved, the more opportunities for people to step into lead!! Again… If we do not radically love the people we’re leading, then we can’t expect them to want to get involved!!
Consecration/Devotion- Are we striving to get better? Are we doing everything in our power to progress: Spiritually, Physically, Mentally… Are we working on disciplining ourselves through the things we’ve learned so far?? Examples: Are we really making an effort on our Personal Pages? Are we really making an effort on communication within team? Are we really praying for the students on the campus? Are we really trying to apply the things we’re learning? Etc.
Impartation- Do we really believe in the Holy Spirit’s Power to work in and through us? Read John 14: 12-14 over and over!!! Memorize this word!!!
12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Demonstration- What are we doing to demonstrate to others the Love of Christ? Remember that communication is needed. Especially with the people we’re leading.
When we’re trying to teach people something, it is important that they focus in on what’s being taught. Be ready and willing to answer questions.
Delegation- How are we mobilizing others? Do they even understand what we’re asking them to do? Here is a truth… People want to be involved in something. We all want purpose in our lives. How are we involving people in our day to day lives, and how are we involving them in the overall mission of Refuge?
Supervision- Are we taking the time to hear back from others? Example of Questions: How did it go? What did you think about this? How did you feel when you did that? Walk me through the experience. Etc.
Reproduction- The goal is to reproduce!! We teach people in such a way that they are mobilized to do it for someone else. The more people who are mobilized, the more opportunity to reach others for Christ!!!
In closing… If we understand our roles and responsibilities (be a disciple-maker), then we can focus on applying these principles with the people we’re leading. We have given you a guide to go by (C-Group). So the question is… Are we really trying to live out the values and questions found in the C-Group guide??
· We meet every week, pray for each other every day and look for ways to obey and follow Jesus together.
· Who feels led to share the gospel with an unconnected friend?
· Does anyone have someone you would like to invite to the group?
· Based on what God has shown me today, what am I going to start, stop or continue doing this week?
· When are we connecting to hear the word and worship together this week?
· What is our plan to serve together this month?
· Who is feeling led to begin a new C-Group for your unconnected friends? How can we help you get started?
(to name a few)
Please feel free to ask any questions if you are unsure or confused. And remember… you have an opportunity to do that every day with your personal pages.
Upcoming Opportunities…
Friday night outreach with Jeremy Deas.
April 4, 11, 18, Bible study with Jeff
April 13 Homeless Outreach
April 19 Secret Church in Unite Center
April 21 Sunrise Service & Easter Service
Love you guys,
Brent Richardson